This game is a submission for Ludum Dare 56. View all gamesView submission

Three Tiny Toblin

Ludum Dare 56 Submission

Control Three Tiny Toblins in this little puzzle game, each with their own unique skills.

Meet the Trio (Toblins)

Kort is the smallest of the bunch. He can fit into small spaces and crawl underneath tight spots. He is green, mean and maybe just a little bit angry.

Lagom is the fistiest of the group. She may think more with her fists than with her head. She is red, a doofus but a chill companion to be around.

Stor is the smartest of the trio. He thinks before he acts and with his tall stature can reach many places that seems out of reach. He is yellow and mellow and a great thrower too.

Meet the other Trio (Dev Team)

Quartzi: Voice of Kort, Programmer, and Sound Designer.

Syrsa: Voice of Stor, Pixel Artist, and Level Designer.

Fluwii: Voice of Lagom and first-time working on a game project!


Toblins 29 MB


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Always love a good puzzle game, and have always loved ones where you control different characters with different skills based on whats needed. Keep up the amazing work and left a follow! You game starts at 4:03